Lots of spoilers ahead for this commentary on the third episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., now available to watch on the ABC website.
- What I loved about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, what I loved about parts of Angel, and especially what I loved about Cabin in the Woods is the concept that one can’t judge something on appearances alone. Sure, this truck driver is a hick; Agent Mack is also a trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and his expertise in transportation is valuable. Major plus points for this continued bit of world-building.
- Another thing I loved was that despite Quinn’s grandstanding, he’s not really evil, just opportunistic.
- I thought the mentor/bonding moments between Ward and Skye were nice. I can see them becoming friends.
- I wish they hadn’t revealed Skye’s duplicity to the audience so soon. Also, since Quinn was able to escape, now Rising Tide has to know that she’s on the fence with them now.
- Coulson continues to get the best scenes, to hammer out the best “What moral quandary are we in this week?” dialogue; Clark Gregg delivers it with the proper amount of gravitas, no pun intended.
- Now that Agent May is back in the saddle again, can we please have some hot “I’m a better fighter than you” action between her and Ward?
- Can next week’s episode please be the “character-establishing” episode for either Fitz or Simmons?
- I am totally not surprised that Dr. Hall is trapped in the ball of gooey gravity.
I think the show’s starting to grow on me. Here’s to next week.
I’d add spoilers, but the post itself has a spoiler warning. Here’s why you’re not surprised. http://marvel.com/universe/Graviton Unless I missed something in the previous 2 episodes, this is the first appearance of a supervillain from the comic book Marvel universe.
You’re perhaps correct about it. In that case, this appearance is a nice Easter egg for comics fans as well as a development that kinda makes sense in this different Marvel universe.
Thanks to this, I watched the first three episodes! I was… reasonably entertained!